wtorek, 12 października 2010

Teaching your other half for cooking

Posted in My weight loss journal on January 24, 2010

reluctant house husband economic crisis high unemploymentWe are currently in recession longer than the West has seen in recent history. we're seeing record levels of unemployment and more and more men are finding themselves out of work and for the first time, some families have found women being released for the role of breadwinner.

Our economy is messed up and I'm angry about it because my family and I were affected by it.I was unemployed half year as was my father, and now is my boyfriend gorgeous in the same situation I was in six months ago I certainly have my opinions about the incompetent Gordon Brown. However, this is a blog of weight loss and is not a place for me my political opinions in more details in the air!

Take this blog post with a pinch of salt. There are men who can cook and some can cook better than a lot of women!But, I hate offend anyone! however, in General, women tend to do the cooking and delegate other chores. If your experiences are different, contact Jonathan on personal stories, how he'd love to hear about how couples are dealing with deliver traditional tasks.If roles are reversed and you are a woman have to cook meals for the first time, this may apply to you too!

Role reversal can cause problems if you are trying to lose weight and follow a strict diet. If your man cooking leaves much to be desired, there are ways to avoid becoming acquainted with the bathroom in a level of face to face. My father lived alone for years before meeting my mother but stick it in the kitchen today and he is lost and you're likely to get a cheese sandwich made with half a block of cheese!

So here are some pointers about how you can guide your partner to stay involved with your diet.

couple-cookingYou can plan your partner help you keep your diet?

Insist in the kitchen when you get home. Is tiring and you have to wait longer to eat, but you can make a large batch of tell, peppers or bolognaise, shepherds pie etc from scratch and freeze him for everything he needs to do is pop it in the microwave later in the week.He can help and can find their way around the kitchen before flying solo.

Let it make some mistakes and has a pair of cheap microwave meals (see Tip 1) standby so that when it is aware that improvisation doesn't work unless you're a top chef, the revelation not force it into a starvation diet .leave list – lots and lots!Plan ahead together. I have to plan meals a week in advance, so I don't end up eating junk food convenience. let you see how much work goes into planning a healthy diet and ask him to rise to the challenge. Buy its main shopping online, there are normally companies that offer locally grown vegetables, ample to your door by a very good price. one of the local businesses that me cobra L 7.90 for a box of 3 kg of seasonal veggies inc delivery.

This is not an exhaustive list of suggestions, but if have reversed their roles in the internal market and is trying to stick to a plan for healthy weight loss, so something has to give. If your partner is favourable, then he or she must be committed to do everything it takes to help you get slim healthy and stay.

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